Tuesday, January 5, 2010

ECSC Club Challenge 2009

Ellis County Sportsman’s Club held it’s annual meeting and club championship on Saturday, October 24 2009. This gathering had a little something for everyone. We had delicious Frito pie, diet brownies, Halloween candy and talking skulls.

We started the meeting with elections and a vote on the revised Club Bylaws and Rules. All board members at the end of their term were re-elected. We would also like to welcome Randall Brooks to the BOD. Randall will be taking Terry Banks spot. We also need to say thanks and smooth sailing to Mr. Terry Banks for a job well done. Revisions to the bylaws and rules were approved and go into effect on January 1 2010.

Rusty Porter brought us up to date on the club’s finances. To summarize, we are doing well thanks to a lot of people busting their buns.

A drawing was held from folks who served as Range Master from 1 July 2009 thru 31 December 2009. Darren Bowden was the lucky winner of a free 2010 membership renewal. Being a Range Master does have its perks! See Bob Ramsden to sign up as a Range Master in 2010.

We also discussed the progress that has been made on the trap equipment. Don Henslee is our trap chairman and he has had a ton of help in updating our trap fields. Club trap shoots will continue to be held monthly. Drop Don Henslee or Don Williams Jr. a note for full details.

Doug Thomas will once again be in charge of our monthly club skeet shoot. Everyone pretty much agreed that the current system works, so no real changes are expected in this program. Check the website or holler at Doug for dates.

Before we adjourned, we formed a committee to oversee maintenance at the club. We will have more on this in future newsletters.

With the meeting concluded, everybody headed to the chow line. Karen Wells and Jean Beard had a great lunch prepared. Thanks ladies for all you do to make our club a success!
Next was the club championship. We decided to use the Lewis Class System to give everyone an equal chance to win some money. A special thanks to Doug Thomas and others who helped determine the winners.

Mr. Lelan Coltharp drove in from Terrell to claim the $125.00 and 2009 Club Champion honors. Good shooting, Lelan! Skeet Champions were Wayne Johnston, Darren Bowden and Scott Cotton. Skeet Champions won $50.00 each. Our Trap Champions also won $50.00. They were Marvin Tune, Jay Gage and Josh Wells. Skeet 12 gauge winners were Jack Martin, Bryan Mullins and Paul Camp. Skeet sub-gauge winners were Steve Calhoun, James Mouser and Bob Ramsden. Trap winners from 16 yards were Doug Thomas, Rusty Porter and Bob Butcher. Handicap trap winners were Don Henslee, Kevin Arterburn and Larry Turner.

I think everyone who attended will agree that this was a fun event. LOTS of folks won some money and it only cost them $20.00 to shoot 200 targets. Hope to see you at the club soon.

Submitted by: Robert G. Ramsden

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